Towed Car, Work

Terrible, terrible dream to have!!

I got to work kind of late and decided to park on the street in front of the building. It would be right under the windows and easy to see if my car was okay. I get inside to the 3rd floor and am going about my day when I happen to glance outside. My car is gone! I exclaim that I got towed, remembering that I’d forgotten the put up my permit. I’m freaking out and my coworkers aren’t as empathetic as I’d like, but who cares what they think, there’s a crisis on my hands. I run outside to try and find the tow company’s number, planning about using an Uber to get to the impound lot. When I get outside, I remembered that the street doesn’t belong to the building, it belongs to the city! The city towed my car?? Then why not the other cars?! I make my way back upstairs through the stairwell where 3 girls are giggling with each other. I figure out why because the only way to get to the 3rd floor door is through the world’s smallest gap between the wall corner and the metal railing. The girl squeezes by and I squeeze through, too, sucking in my gut as hard as I can. The 3 girls giggle as they watch me, and I go through the door. I tell my office again about my dilemma and still no one cared. I use my phone to try and find the tow company’s number, but for the life of me I can’t find anything useful at all on the internet or the city’s website! Time is moving quickly by, and I’m running out of time before it gets dark. I run outside again, this time to the sidewalk and notice the NO PARKING signs that somehow I’d missed before. There are a crowd of people milling about and I stand there furiously browsing and scrolling on my phone getting more and more afraid and frustrated because there is NOTHING online to tell me what to do. I’m trying all the search terms, search engines, website, NOTHING. I don’t have a car. It’s going to cost SO MUCH to get it back, and I have to pay for the ride there, too! I’m about to lose my mind-

-when I wake up. THANK GOODNESS. It took me a while I realize that it was just a dream and not happening in real life. What a nightmare!

Bathroom, Work, Stairs

I was driving and my mom was with me. It was rainy outside, and we drove down several roads to a small town. We decided to stop at a convenience store/gas station though I didn’t need any gas. There were a bunch of people there we knew, so we stood around a bit. I watched the people, thinking about how I both needed to go to the bathroom and was hungry. There was this unfamiliar guy who was taking orders for the people there. My mom started walking across the street, so I ran after her. She wanted to see what was on the other side and it wasn’t a big deal with me because I wanted to stretch my legs, too. I did make her wait for the crosswalk light despite the other people down the way jaywalking. The motel across the street was not only empty but possibly abandoned. Done with that, we came back over on a crosswalk that had 224 seconds of time!! For some reason we made it just in time for the countdown. By that time, my sister was carefully looking over the food order. The guy then jaywalked across the street to the Little Cesar’s. I really needed to go to the bathroom at that point, AND there was this drunk/high lady who was teeter tottering along with him, so I ran after her, wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her in safety to the Little Cesars. The restaurant was like none I’d ever seen. We waded through the massive crowd of what appeared to be junkies and other low-lifes. Neither of the people I was with seemed bothered at all by them. I was extremely aware of my different race, but the junkies didn’t care about that. Inside the place was not a pizza place, but a department store! Jewelry counter, nice clothing, hardware… there were 2 floors. The only crowded place was the front with all the junkies. The lady disappeared somewhere and the pizza ordering guy quickly headed off to the back of the store. I walked all around looking for the bathroom. The first one I found saw one lady bawling on the phone while wiping down the floor and the door exclaiming that she hadn’t meant for it to happen at all! I didn’t want to use that one, so I kept going and eventually found the lady I’d been with. She seemed happier because she had just finished using the bathroom herself. I asked her where it was and she showed me a shell looking device, I tried to get in but couldn’t and she cackled and pushed me saying that only the chosen ones could.

I woke up for real to use the bathroom, then back to sleep.

Then I was at work. As usual, it was dark, and crazy with the schedule. The version of me doing work was doodling on and making lists for patients. Then I left because I didn’t want to be there anymore. I stopped to talk to my coworker on the way out (in a different office), and then proceeded to use the elevator. The way it was acting looked like it was going to break, but I used it anyways. There was a sign at the bottom of the door saying that it was programmed to bypass the first floor because it was going to malfunction, so it would let out on the basement level which still had outdoor access. That was annoying, but I remembered that I had already done this before in a previous dream where I’d managed to acquire or make a map of the convoluted maze. As I exited into the basement, a pretty-looking lady was frustrated and scared. Immediately, I recognized that she was lost, so I had her come with me as I searched for the exit. Although I pretty much remembered the map from the last time, I tried to pull it up on my phone anyways just in case and to inspire confidence in the frazzled lady. We went around turns and bends not following any of the other lost people until I saw that familiar part. Took a right which led us down a long hallway, another sharp turn and BAM. Outside was the grocery store which meant that we just had to go around the outside of the building to the parking lot. She had pulled up her car locator on her phone and was so relieved that we were close. We broke off from each other and I headed towards my car.

All of the sudden, I realized that I needed to get back to work, so I entered a door near my car, knowing that there was a staircase nearby. Inside, however, things were not as I remembered. There was a long line of people standing. I asked if they were waiting for the bathroom, and they were, so I cut through them to where the stairs used to be. Someone else wanted to use the stairs, too, but I couldn’t figure out where it was. I was just about to travel a good distance down the hall to use the other stairs, when someone gave me a spatula with something on top of it. They smiled at me with what initially seemed innocent. It changed and I got a bad feeling, but it was too late. The “stairs” required floating and traveling through the walls and building like a ghost. There was no time to think about anything, but I knew I was super scared. You can’t be scared when you’re dealing with spirits. I could not help it. A spirit met me inside of the wall and I could see “stairs” all around me leading here, there, nowhere, and upways, sideways, diagonal-ways. It seemed to be a rather bothersome, irritable spirit. I tried my best to at least exude calm even though I felt nothing close to that. It kept saying things to me that I didn’t understand, then get angry at me. It forced me to “fly” through a videogame-like flying obstacle course still holding the spatula thing. I knew if I lost that or let go, that I’d be stuck in the place forever. It tried multiple times to trick me into giving the thing up or letting go or whatever other ploy it had. I came close a few times. However, I made it and it was so angry I thought I’d be sent to a different dimension and imprisoned there.

Nope. I made it to my workplace. I hurried into my operatory where my patient was still waiting (apparently time moved differently in that realm). The list I’d started before I’d left was still there, so I finished it up, adding stickers and other things to it. The patient was really happy.

RV, Class, Train, Damage

I was at a house where it was rainy and cloudy outside. The house had a farm? Or some pens and gardens in the yard. There were lots of animals. Perhaps it was an animal sanctuary. One white dog was there, scared, and giving everyone the runaround. I tried my hardest to help and soothe the animal. She ran a few steps and turned around to look at me. That’s when I realized that she was pregnant! The stakes got higher, and we doubled down to try and get her under control and lead her to a sheltered warm, area. With help from the others, we did succeed. I went into the house to get something. By the time I got out, she’d had 3 brown, chubby puppies.

We were caring for the mom and 3 puppies. I went inside again to get things. As I returned outside, I saw that the puppies and mom dog had turned into humans. They were residing under the large, covered porch with slate floors and stone studded columns. Enclosed by similar stonework walls, but open air aside from the heavy roof. The rain was steady at that point. The kids were running around, and I decided that they needed to have something to keep them entertained. Once again, I went back inside while some other people went out to tend to the mom. I gathered up some paints, crayons, and markers. Then, I got coloring pads, books, etc, and went out to give them things. While everyone was out there, I returned into the house and saw that my mom had been making pastries. I snuck one of the orange-icing ones. It was kind of hard, but that was okay with me. A phone on the counter went off, signaling that it was time to shut off the oven. I went to give it to my mom, but finished the pastry, first.

OH. Before that there was a long-winded dream about some video game type of thing. There was a map with many quests and landmarks on them. I was trying to get all of the collectibles and use newfound assets to recapture different places. Then I approached the main storyline. It was all about helping 3 teenagers finish some projects they were doing, but time was up. My boss was the supervisor and came in to inspect our progress, while the girls had run away to hide (perhaps they were at-risk teens?). I told her, nervously, that we had been close to being done, but hadn’t quite managed to finish. One of the girls had been busy making designer purses, the other two were making food, I think, and I had been making cookies. She went to try a cookie and I sheepishly explained that I, too, hadn’t been able to finish the project. The face she pulled looked like she hated it, but she shook her head and told me, still frowning, that it was actually delicious. So why was she frowning so much? Soon, a man came to take the girls into custody, and I ran off to try and protect them from him. They were hiding on the roof of the building. I waited until the man and his goons went somewhere else to jump up to pull myself up to where they were huddled.

Then I was in a room with many other students my age. It wasn’t school so much as a learning class for the company I worked for with these other people. The teacher had a complicated math equation on the blackboard. I took my seat and this one guy in front of me kept asking annoying questions. Everyone was getting annoyed, and the girl next to him tried hard to get him to quit, but he kept on. Before my eyes, the blackboard retracted and on the other side was a scene from the historical past (maybe 1960s). Everyone ran over to the other side to have some fun. There was a time limit when the portal would close. Some of the more obnoxious people were causing drama. I just sat on the current side and watched all this unfold.

Soon, I was the passenger in a big rig RV. The driver was my partner, a generic looking white woman my age. We were driving along a back road in a heavily wooded area. She was trying to turn left. She waited until the traffic subsided to make the wide turn. Instead of the staying on the road, she kept turning. AH. She was attempting a U-turn. She managed to clear the electrical wires and leads, but just barely. I was scared. She backed up, and waited for traffic to stop to turn right. A Ford Lightning decided to stop for us. She’d have to take the turn wide. We made it. Up the road we drove before she decided to just sit there and wait. I asked why we were waiting and she told me that it wasn’t yet time to get to the destination. I was embarrassed that we were blocking the entire 2-lane road just to wait it out. I asked her to at least pull off somewhere. She begrudgingly complied.

Sitting there, I watched a train come down the tracks, but saw sparks! Some of the cars had fallen over! It then took the turn in the tracks and every car fell over!! It had to detach and reattach itself after righting the fallen cars. The crazy part was in the back was a woman on a heavy-duty wheelchair that was just being pulled along behind the cars. She had gotten off track, too, and moved her chair so that it reattached as the train continued on its way. I was amazed!

Then it was getting late into the afternoon, and so my partner moved the RV towards our destination. I didn’t know where we were going, but I trusted her. Well. We got to a neighborhood, and she parked next to someone’s house in their driveway. They had a small, fenced yard with a secondary fence within the yard. I have no idea why, but she kept moving the RV forward until it broke the secondary fence! I exclaimed, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING????” She was livid that there was a secondary fence to begin with. I explained that the HOA of the neighborhood probably necessitated covering the utilities and rubbish bins from public view! She was fully intent on leaving, but I demanded that she tell the homeowners. Plus, the neighbor had been out tending to the garden and saw everything. My partner was ranting and raving about stuff, while not telling the homeowners. I wanted so badly to do it myself, but it wasn’t my problem or business. I did tell her that I would help her pay for the damaged, but decided, as I walked back to the RV cab, that I dissolve our partnership. She was crazy! The homeowners eventually came home, and they dealt with it all.

Work, Boba, Trekking, Anger

I was at work except that it was bright, for once, and it didn’t much look like work because the place had been turned into tea shop. At first it was in the physical space of work, but then it moved to being part of a mall. I was sitting at the bar while watching everyone else go through first. My sister and her husband went through amongst other people. When it was my turn, I walked up to the counter and asked my boss who was behind the counter how it worked. He went through the spiel for new customers and gave me a rewards card for the store. I ended up choosing some food items. I walked away towards the heart of the mall with my food and enjoying it when I realized that I had forgotten to order some bubble tea! I went back and waited in line to ask about the bubble tea. While waiting, I took a good look at all the different flavors available and was happy to learn that you could customize any flavor you’d like. The plan was the choose two and bring home one for my brother to try. I could do half sherbet and half lemonade, etc. All of the flavors had fun names like Hurricane, or Huff, or Fluff. In the end I decided to just order one drink because they were kind of expensive, and I wanted to buy some of their dessert snacks. One of the shelves was going to be 30% off, too, as they would be expiring in the near future. I had my eye on the snack-sized mint brownies, and basically anything mint.

Then I was with an old friend of mine and other people. We were all walking in a line. We made it to the side of a very busy road, and I watched as a small dog that dodged my attempt to snatch it up ran across the road. I grabbed my friend’s arm and hid my eyes against her shoulder, not wanting to see it get squished. Miraculously, it made it across to the grassy side, but then there were about 10 kittens, cats, and cute things running around over there. No one else seemed to care about it and the motorists never even slowed down. We continued our walk up the unprotected side of the road. I looked back to see that, of course, most of the animals had become roadkill. Motorists still showed zero sign of slowing down. I heard someone’s radio crackle and request made for highway cleanup because it had the potential of becoming really gross really fast. When I turned back around, I saw that my friend had just crossed the road with the rest of the group. I was the last one. I called out, asking what in the world we were doing, and a voice exasperatedly informed me that we were on a hike and needed to follow the group. Shrugging, I hopped across the road using the fish-shaped wooden piece inlaid into the road. Upon reaching the wooded side, I saw that it was less a path, and more an obstacle course. What in the world!? Very much being left behind, I tried really hard to go fast, but I found myself unable to breathe properly as I attempted to squeeze myself through the very narrow openings. I was getting exhausted, my body hurt, and I couldn’t understand how everyone else had passed through so easily. Was I that large?

Eventually I came out in a very rural area, a clearing in the woods with farmland/grassland butting up next to it. The rest of the group was long gone and I was with someone, though I’m not sure who. The place seemed familiar with the neatly organized trailer homes set up in what appeared to be a small colony. Except no one was around. The person I was with plucked something out of the ground which turned out to be a vegetable. Then it hit me: this was the town I created in a video game years ago. I walked up the dirt road a bit, away from the garden plot and saw that the ground was highlighted as if someone had selected the area for building. I guess I’d been distracted and hadn’t yet built anything there. Some stuff happened. I couldn’t figure out what to do next and then my grandma decided to build a building on the highlighted plot despite my protests. As it turns out, she was right–that was what needed to happen next. The building was automatically filled with cat furniture and unlocked the next missions. I needed to place a Meowth from my team in there in order to upgrade and protect the building. That meant that I had to pull my Meowth from managing my money to doing that. It was okay, I had others that could fill in the financial stuff.

Then I was back at work, and it was work itself. I was really happy because you could see the beach outside the windows. There was a family with a mom and some of her daughters (in their late teens and early 20s). I walked up to my boss who was talking to the mom and said something jovially to her. The mom got super angry and immediately demanded that they leave and that had no right to talk to her the way that I did. I was shocked still, unable to comprehend what had just happened. I apologized to her twice because clearly, she had misheard what I’d tried to say, but she would have none of it. She was making a massive scene and I was getting furious, myself, because I felt she just wanted any excuse to be nasty to me. We’d been seeing this family ever since the kids were little. She had been one of those moms that treat everyone not the doctor like scum of the earth. After trying to calm down and deciding what to do, I marched over to where she was in an operatory. One of her kids was getting an exam and another was standing there, waiting. I came in and laid into her about not even bothering to give me any mind simply because she had misheard my words and despite me apologizing. She was seething with rage for being shown up and uncovered in front of her own kids. I looked over to the standing daughter and saw both humiliation and defeat from this type of thing being a common occurrence with her mom. Then I understood. I’d always liked her kids and knew that no matter what I said, it would never change anything with the mom. It just felt good to level with her.

Then I woke up 15 minutes late.

Music, female, traffic, church, patient, hiding

I had been talking to a female musician. She was white with long, straight dark hair. I seemed to think she was awesome. She played both the violin and viola. There was one song I’d been listening to of hers called Encore which was just beautiful. I opened up my songbook to find the sheet music for it, which also included all the parts because it was an ensemble piece. My mind drifted back to my school years when I played in an ensemble, myself. Then I was at home and came down the stairs to find that she and another female (one part of the group) were sitting on my couch. I came up to them and sat in between them. I asked her about her upcoming concert, and she seemed a little uncomfortable with me there, but hey, it was my house. I then asked her if she was going to be playing the violin or the viola. She told me the viola with a funny expression on her face. I replied that it was really cool that she was going with the viola because you don’t see too many violists. She was silent for a bit before ranting about how it was because she was a woman that people think this and that, and that if she was a man, then blah blah blah. It was my turn to feel uncomfortable and irritated on top of it because that was not at all what I intended. She was clearly overreacting.

Then we were in a van with them and some other females, probably of the group. I was with my mom in the middle row. We were sitting in traffic about to go up a hill, when the females saw another car of people they knew and immediately jumped out at the intersection to start talking to them. In the road. During traffic. I was getting really annoyed at their lack of consideration for others. I started yelling at them to GET OUT OF THE ROAD. I said it a few times before they begrudgingly complied and allowed the other traffic to move.

I decided I’d had enough and hopped out with my mom to walk. It was raining and cold at the point, but it was okay. We walked by some horses in their enclosure and one of the mini ones was super cute, stomping its feet to the music playing nearby (or in my head, I guess).

We ended up in a church and I promptly lost my mom. I wandered around a bit and then went into a room in the back trying to dodge one of my patients. By the time I came out, the entire place was transformed into…a college cafeteria? Inside the church? It was really very nice. Quality food abound, fresh. They were prepping because the students were about to start the term. I was admiring things and it was getting late. I went into a side room where they had ice cream and a trove of high-quality prizes for contests and events, I guess.

Before I knew it, the place was closed, and I hadn’t left yet. I saw the patient I’d been trying to dodge and hopped into a pile of clothes to hide, but she’d already seen me. She did keep my presence a secret from the higher-ups, but there was a pit of dread in my gut. She left the room, and I hopped out to hide behind the door and see if I could find a moment to escape, but then a man came into the room, took one look at me and rushed out. Uh oh. I decided to get on the bed that was in the room and just pretend that I was asleep and was meant to be there. The patient climbed into the small bed with me and stared at me while I tried to “sleep.” At that point, it became one of those choose-your-story type of things where I had to decide my fate through the 3 options. I wracked my brain, trying to figure out the consequences of each choice (try to escape, pretend to sleep/ignore her, or kiss her and pretend to start a relationship to get her on my side).

Then I woke up. Thankfully.

Car, Kids

I was sitting in the back of my car talking to a friend. We were discussing things like vaccines and Shingles. All of the sudden, 2 boys wearing soccer uniforms barged in through the right-side door and walked through the car and out the other side. We were both flabbergasted that this had even occurred. Shaking my head, I launched back into the conversation only to have 2 girls now do the same thing. Now I was livid. How horribly rude! I yelled at them from inside of the car, and then, seething, went to close the right-side door, ranting to myself. Just as I reached over to close it, I noticed a massive group of these children gathering right outside the car. Quickly, I pulled it closed, but was unable to lock it quickly enough. The locking mechanism was like nothing I’d ever seen before and was unintuitive. To my horror, the kids pulled on the handle to open it and I had to fight to keep it closed while fumbling with the stupid lock. Finally, I was able to seat the lock and keep them out. Unfortunately, they kept yanking, yanking, yanking on the door handle from the outside, yelling at me, and then started hitting the car! Like zombies! The ludicrousness of the situation was making me reach my boiling point. I threw open the door, not caring whom I hit, leapt out and started berating them, telling them to “GO AROUND THE CAR!” Why the hell that was not even an option, I don’t understand!! They didn’t actually go right away, but after a lot of gesticulating on my part, the group grumbled to themselves and trudged around the front of my car. WTF. Goddamn kids! I was clenching my teeth like no other as I got back into my car and launched into a tirade about the upcoming generation of kids.

Disney, Family, Guy

I was really excited to be going to Disney! I rushed down the narrow hallway leading to the entrance and a worker helped me prepare to go inside the park. For that every person needed a strap and something else. He went and got it for me, and I went into the park! I wandered around a lot, taking things in. Eventually, I ended up in this open-air place with lots of tables, fun music, and faux woods. It was a tasting area and you got to choose anything to eat. My brother and sister were already there. We decided to eat ice cream, and MANNNN it was GOOOD. I knew my mom was coming to join us, so I kept looking around for her and soon, there she was having finished with work. She stood by the entrance to the eating area and took pictures of us.

Some other stuff happened.

I was at the house I grew up in and then it was time for us to go somewhere. I had changed into my sleep clothes, but it seemed inappropriate for me to wear to go somewhere, so I put on a Mario T-shirt and a Pikachu novelty necklace. First, my mom drove my car through this beautiful place with meadows, dirt roads and stuff. We came upon a part of the road where there was water running through it. Some prankster had left random items on the road and I warned my mom about them, but she ran over the porcelain teapot anyways. Ugh. Then we were walking on the same dirt roads, talking. It was my family again, mom, sister, brother, and me. We waded through some more of the water and soon came upon a fork of sorts.

My brother and I decided we wanted to go back to Disney. I was super excited, but it was hot and I proudly exclaimed that I hadn’t shaved my armpits while wearing two layers of tank tops. I ran ahead while my brother who was carrying a large patio/beach umbrella trailed further behind and my mom and sister veered off to go somewhere else. I returned to the same corridor/hallway from the first Disney visit. This time there was a sign saying that every person would need a strap set and something else. I didn’t know what to get, so I left the equipment room and saw that there was a help desk with an attendant. I walked through the garage/wholesale looking place to get to the worker. I saw that my brother had sort of caught up and so I booked it to the counter. Along the way I passed a fat guy around my age, they kind that would be really gross and nerdy but in a bad way. Neckbeard type. I tried to hurry along, but he came up beside me and started going through my backpack. I whipped around and told him to lay off, but he’d taken something from my bag. My brother had caught up at this point, but it wasn’t enough for the guy to give me back my thing. I took the large umbrella from my brother which turned into a regular umbrella with a very long extendable handle which I extended and menaced the guy with. He was half laughing, half nervous when I started wielding it, then tried to either smack me or hit me with the object he’d taken from me. With my brother blocking his retreat, I decided to give him a good whack with the umbrella before he could hurt me. I hit 2 or 3 times, the first strikes warnings and not hard at all, but he refused to cooperate and just kept jeering and baiting me. Last time’s the charm, so I full-strength nailed him in the hip to the point where the umbrella bent. His face was one of shock and he fell back against the shelving behind him in pain. STILL not giving me back my item. I stomped over to the attendant and told him the story. The attendant’s eyes and mouth flew open, and he stared at me and the guy, not knowing what to do about everything. I was getting more and more annoyed.

Sister, Angry, Work

I was at my house which was unfamiliar. It was a rather large home and detached with 2 stories with vaulted ceiling and an upstairs hallway overlooking the living room and house entrance. Very white. I came out of my room because my sister had arrived for some celebration of some sort. I came out to see her berating my mom and brother who were dutifully removing some of the rails from the upper hallway, saying they should be moving faster. I got really mad and yelled at her, telling them to quit it and to stop, it wasn’t her house. We all moved downstairs where she informed us all that she was pregnant with twin girls, though her face didn’t look terribly excited. That made me even more angry, though I had already suspected she was pregnant again. I exploded again, telling her that she and her husband were extremely irresponsible and she’s an idiot for expecting us to be happy for her because now she just upended her life even more than before because how the heck she’s supposed to house and care for 4 kids now without leaning even more heavily upon my mom, I don’t know. I think some more people arrived, so I shut my mouth and ate some of food on the paper plates and plastic cups, while fuming heavily. She kept trying to talk to me and I refused to answer or even look at her, instead engrossing myself with my phone and the trains or Criminal Minds on there. That’s when I heard someone at the backdoor, so I went into the kitchen and saw that the entertainer person that my sister had hired was there, so I let her in and forced myself to be jovial and welcoming.

Then some stuff about alleyways and large robots/machines.

Then I was at work. My coworker Q was there, too, and we were seeing patients in our own operatories when some sort of conflict occurred regarding patients who wanted to see certain hygienists or didn’t show up or refused to come in or whatever. It ended up with me not having a patient, so I decided to look up that patient we couldn’t look up the other day because of the power outage. I didn’t really get a chance to look because I was supposed to go call another patient, so I went out to the massive and absolutely packed waiting room to call my patient. NO ONE responded to it at all. I decided to help out a coworker who needed help gathering ingredients for their patient (somehow we’d turned into chefs). I needed to go find them mint and lemon, so I ran over to the produce section and hunted for the necessary ingredients. I found the lemon which were all massive, but I could not find the mint despite going around to every leaf and smelling them! I saw an employee and wanted to ask them (it was Dr. Carlin) for help, but he was super busy with another customer. I finally managed to ask him before anyone else could and he told me that there wasn’t any mint around at all. I thanked him and wandered off, wondering what to do. I was then fast forwarded back to my coworker where I proudly handed them the lemon and some mint chocolate ice cream. I had saved the dessert!

valet, car, shopping

I was coming out of the home I grew up in. I was eager to go somewhere. As I walked out, there were 3 or 4 valets rushing about, taking vehicles, moving vehicles, etc. I walked out to the driveway, watching them and trying to get someone’s attention. My look around did not pinpoint my car anywhere, but I figured that the valets had them somewhere else. I walked up to 2 of them, a male and a female who were busy assisting someone else. They told me to hang on, so I did and then when it was my turn, I asked the young woman for my Ascent. She got a funny look on her face, put a hand to her belly as if it hurt a lot, and told me, “Um, about your Ascent…” Uh oh… She explained that they were driving it and then somehow the car just malfunctioned and effectively blew up. Uhhhhhhh…When asked where it was, she had a look that implied that they got rid of it. I had a feeling there was more to this story, so I started laying it on thick. WHY did they get rid of it, they should have just told me, now I’d have to buy a new car and that car even in that condition was worth at least $5-10 grand that I could be using towards a new car, AND on top of it all, I had some very expensive articles still sitting in it!! She looked like her stomach was hurting her more and more (probably an ulcer) and then offered me a large, white Volkswagen utility van thing. It was implied that I couldn’t own it, but that I could use it until I could secure a new car. She moved it over so that I could get in and then ran off altogether. Man, was I livid. I tried to climb in only to find that I could barely fit in the small front cab. As she ran off, I called after her, asking how to get in, and she yelled, “You just get in!” Disappear. Ugggghhh. I drove it around a little bit, almost tipping it over on a turn while running aground on rocks, but it stayed upright. I drove it back and went in to get my brother and explained to him and my mom what happened. They were incredulous and I told them that my speaker and my Sony were in there, both worth $500. Boy, was I losing money! I went and got into the Volkswagen with my brother and somehow we ended up getting caught up in a sales booth selling a denture cleaner that worked by using it every 3 months professionally.

Then we continued driving, all the while trying to plan what to do about my car. What car do I buy now? Do I get another of the same model, do I get a pickup? Do I make do with a super cheapo car while I save up the money or wait for the new car models to come out? I put forth that I could just get the pickup my brother wanted and then he could get like a Nissan Z. We were then inside a large indoor event area with lots of people. As we talked and planned, holding thick car guide books, I watched some young people back up a very nice Baja, but they did it so badly, they hopped the curb and the entire thing fell apart. What a shame for such a nice car. The guy’s buddies made all sorts of fun of him.

House, Toilet, Boss, Kill, Bees

Some stuff about roommates, eye masks, and sharing rooms in a city. It was only going to be for 1 or a few nights, but one girl was making a big deal about it. Someone recommended changing the parquet flooring to a carpet to trap sound. A friend and I sat and listened to the sales rep but whispered to each other about the dust mites.

Then I was shopping at Home Depot where I saw a person trying to buy some electric toothbrushes. The model they picked up must have been seriously old because the removable battery on it was quite substantial. I showed them a different model which also turned out to have a large battery on it and wasn’t an electric toothbrush at all but Oral-B’s new oral irrigator. When she gave it back to me I noticed that it was only $3.01 on clearance despite never being opened! My boss swung by and told me to go ahead and buy it. I was super stoked to be getting such a deal!

I was at the house I grew up in. For some reason my boss was running his business out of there. We were about to have a client come whose son was just embodiment of plain awful. I was whining about it, but then my boss said, “Yeah, I’m going to kill him.” I stared. “I’m going to do restorative and then give him too much anesthesia.” I couldn’t believe my ears. The kid was terrible, indeed, but to risk his life and license like that was just crazy to me, not to mention playing God. I was just speechless and horrified. I wandered around the house trying to decide what to do. At one point, I looked out the back door at the deck and saw a swarm of large bees/hornets swirling around there, a clear massive queen in the middle of it all. Fresh air was out of the question it seemed. I returned up the stairs and asked my boss softly if he would risk his entire life for this act on this kid. He just shrugged, a hard look on his face. There was no changing his mind. I was really stressed out. Soon, the patient arrived with his mom who was one of my patients. I met them downstairs and spoke genially with them. While they awaited for their appointment, I entertained them with small talk and questions. The son had run off somewhere, so I took the opportunity to ask mom about him. She complained on and on about how impossible his behavior was and how taking care of him severely interrupted her life, but it was clear she loved him. I decided that she was indeed a large part of his issues, but I tried to recommend solutions perhaps like a good daycare. She just laughed while watching him mess with the office’s things. He came to stand at her side and she explained that she’d tried everything. At the last daycare, he’d picked up an entire elliptical and lobbed it at a caretaker. They both laughed about it and I began to understand why my boss was so adamant about ending the kid’s life. He was so unbridled he might end up a serial killer. It was their turn so mom went to talk to my boss who explained the different restorations to her. It sounded like he was selling her on the idea of a crown. I distracted the boy, running and hiding, talking to him and such. He just seemed like a boisterous kid, but this was within the realm of our office, not out of it. I led him up the stairs and he lay down on the bed in the master bedroom. My boss prepared the anesthesia and I saw the determination in him. It was really happening. I couldn’t watch anymore.

I excused myself to the bathroom. I needed to pee anyways. The first thing I noticed was that the kid, no doubt, had punched a hole in the side of the bathtub and pulled some sort of cable out. That made me angry that he would just destroy someone else’s property without regard for anything. I got down and looked in the hole which gave an interesting glimpse into the underside of the tub. Someone had managed to tile over an wall plug, trapping the plugged in cord under it. Wow. Turning my attention back to the toilet task, I reeled back in disgust! It was totally revolting! A brownish liquid pooled around the entire surface of the old-school toilet which was sitting atop drainage grates. The seat was completely loose and I was revolted to even touch anything. Agh!

Just then, I heard wailing. I left the bathroom, my heart heavy. It was done. I didn’t see the body anywhere, but I did see my boss tearing up the floor in the walk-in closet while trying to pretend he was remorseful. I feigned surprise, asking what was going on. The mom was crying, telling me that her son couldn’t tolerate the anesthesia and asked if it was common. I had walked by behind my boss and saw that the under the floorboards was a chasm into nothingness. I assumed that he’d tossed the body in there but how he’d managed to convince the mom to do that, I don’t know. I began to explain to her that it’s common, but it’s not uncommon either and then launched into a story about how one time I almost died that way too. Everything I said came out too cheerful, too fake, but she seemed to be eating it all up. I wanted badly to ask about why no one had called the cops yet or done CPR, both unforgiving of my boss, but placing the blame on the overall stupidity of the mother for getting her child into this mess, too. She told me that the authorities wouldn’t have been able to do anything about the death either, and that’s when I sensed that her tears weren’t truly genuine. She, too, had gotten over the initial shock of losing her son, and was now trying not to show how good it was not have to deal with him anymore. I disgusted by everyone and everything in that house and wanted nothing but to get out. I rushed down to the back door and saw that the swarm had quieted down. Unfortunately, the queen was still hovering, and her workers were now crawling all over the deck floor. How could I escape??

People in house, females, Gameboy charger

I was walking the dog in the early morning, so it was still pretty dark. On the way home, I run into 3 people and their small dog, but I don’t want to socialize as it’s a weekday. I make my way into the house, and proceed upstairs to change back into my sleep clothes because I’m still very tired and have a few minutes left to sleep. I hear noise downstairs and my dog is alert too. I follow her down the stairs in the dark and lo and behold the 3 people and the 1 dog from before were in my house. How they got in, I don’t know, but they hadn’t noticed my presence yet, and were busy making themselves at home and even having the gall to complain that the homeowner hadn’t been very welcoming at all. That made me really mad and I started yelling at the top of my lungs, threateningly. I told them to leave, RIGHT NOW, pointing that the door, but they just stood there like, why? Since no one seemed to want to move I started pushing them while ranting that not only are they in MY house wearing NO masks, but I needed to get ready to go to work and had NO time to entertain fools and that if they wouldn’t leave right away that I was going to call the cops. That last part seemed to light a fire under their butts. They begrudgingly went to leave and I shoved everyone out, and their little dog, too!. That’s when I started taking note of who they were: people I was completely unfamiliar with, 2 women, one heavyset, the other average, and one male with a small clergy collar neck band. It wasn’t even incorporated into the shirt itself, just an elastic band. Everyone was in their 50s or so. UNBELIEVABLE!

Then I was in the house I grew up in. I was looking for an old Gameboy Advance SP charger because I was excited to replay an old game while I was on Holiday vacation at the house and I knew that there must be a charger there somewhere. I made my way into the downstairs TV room where the futon was in chair mode. Sitting in there were 2 females. The whole house was full of guests that I didn’t recognize, and these were no exception. They started asking me questions since I’d been to the house before and I answered while hanging over the side of the futon looking at the surge protector. There was an erotic tension in the air. I found the gray cord I was looking for and was following it to the other side of the futon. To get to it I had to crawl over all of the young females who had appeared on the futon. No one had any problem with me doing that and since everyone seemed to be furtively feeling each other up, my crawling seemed to heat things up more. I returned a coy smile to one female in particular and felt a trail up her leg to her chest. The fabric barely covered anything and I gave her boob a squeeze, but damn it I really wanted to plug my Gameboy in before I lost my progress, so I hung over the edge and reached into the dusty depths to find the end of the charger.

Then there was some stuff with a few guys while we were outside on a mission in a city, until Cora woke me up to go to walkies.

Mess, Walking, medical, bees

Head music: Omen from Lightening Force

I was at the townhome in my rooms. Something was happening that was different. I was trying to clean out my mom’s email inbox because it seemed that there were a lot of weird junk mail or bots that had taken control of it in her inactivity.  There weren’t too man, just lots of junk mail, but I went through it and cleared it out. Then I was in my current sleeping room trying to plug in some fans. The idea was to have them suck up the AC and then blow it to the rest of the room. I had one initially, then someone gave me another one and the room was a complete and utter mess! After a while of trying to find surge protectors and such I got angry and started shoving things aside yelling, “WHY IS IT SO MESSY AGAIN!?”

Then I was walking with traffic. They were all walking so slowly, but my turn was coming up. The others in the front of me were taking their sweet time so that by the time I got to turn it yield light had just turned off green. Luckily, so one else was coming even though I technically should have stopped first. In the middle of the turn, everyone in front of me stopped for some reason. I was standing in the middle of the oncoming traffic lane, so I cut out to the 2nd lane only to have the others get upset that I was doing that. We all started walking down that road. The couple in front of me were talking a lot and walking fast then slow and fast then slow. At first I was polite, but it was annoying and I couldn’t seem to get past them, so after some walking too closely behind them, I tried to run in front of them, but the male of the couple ran to block me. It was ON, so I managed to get in front of him, prompting others behind me to try the same thing, only to get stuck behind a group of 3 males who were also talking/walking which was holding up the whole line. I moved to the right to cut in front of those guys, but others from behind had caught up and I had issues.

I got to work anyways, which was in a hospital setting with a big group of others. We were thick in the middle of the COVID thing, and at first we were just observers where they dropped these huge rubber flaps down, I guess to prevent splashing and other contaminants, but the problem was that I was sitting directly under one, so it would be hitting the flap and then dripping onto me. WTH. Then we had more responsibilities and I was one of the nurses. Stuff was happening, and then all of the sudden this doctor and his assistant was running in. Turns out an older lady had somehow gotten a lot of pain in her jaw. I went to investigate as it was dealing with dental things, but there wasn’t much for me to do and I had just been busy yakking with other nurses/students, establishing myself as a slacker student who hadn’t been paying much attention to much of anything. She had this crazy old denture system and one of her lower right natural teeth had broken and was causing her some serious pain. I immediately thought of my dentist and how she’d be better in this situation given that this was a medical hospital. Just as I was thinking that, I heard her voice talking to someone about the case. I still wasn’t perfectly clear on the case, but I turned to the student I’d been yakking with and asked her if the tooth had broken and luxated. She was surprised that I had any clue what was going on, and said, yes. See? I’m not as dumb as I look.

Then one of my male nurses was super proud that he was going to play bee queen and I helped him get set up for his role. I drew a picture on the cutting board we were going to use as a backdrop, and then it was time! The director started yelling commands I pushed the buttons for starting up the bees, then the next button for prepping them, and finally the last button for sending them off. The Queen Bee did an amazing job and it was a success! Then someone asked me if I was supposed to go home yet and I shook my  head tiredly, asking what time it was. I’d been there since 6:30am and one of the doctors chimed cheerfully in that the shift that day was a 9 hour one. The other person looked at me with pity and I told him that I’d completely lost track of time.

Moons, Thugs, Pregnant, Dogs, Family, Little Caesars

I was at the beach or some other vacation and it was nighttime. The sky was gorgeously sprayed with stars and clear. The best part was that there were 2 suns and 2 moons showing! I kept trying to take the perfect snapshot and it was taking so long that one of the moons was moving quickly across the sky.

Then some stuff about cars, potholes, cooking, convoluted college Move In.

Then, I was walling down a dark, backwoods road. I heard some rowdy guys behind me, but there wasn’t much I could do because I was pregnant. I was in a negative mood as it was because of the pregnancy and my worry. Overall, I was very depressed, scared, and feeling a strong despair from the whole situation. At the end of the worn gravel road I came upon a building. Inside, I settled down on a couch near some old books. From the room next door, I could hear those same rowdy young men yelling at each other to clear the bookshelves but to keep those books on pregnancy out so that everyone could see them. Raucous laughter followed and it all sounded rather lewd and malicious. I sat there half trying to hide and half wanting them to find me, perhaps so that they could end my life. My belly hurt a lot at that point and I wondered if they would notice my pregnancy sikce my belly wasn’t too notoceable quite yet. All of the sudden, I decided to save those books. I gathered them up in a stack and stole over to the next room away from the men. In the corner was a bookshelf of my own stuff and I tried to quickly stash them in there. Their voices indicated that they found the books missing. There was no time as my bookshelf was too full and predictably, the group rushed over to my room to find me hunched near my bookcase. The three of them were planning something nasty to do to me, I could sense it in the air. That’s when my brother in law came in with two other guys because he wanted to play the arcade machine in the room. I was saved. It seemed that he knew those bad guys and they certainly would not do me harm if he was there. My BiL chose the DDR machine over the Beatmania one and he looked back to ask me to play with him, but my belly was cramping up again.

I took the opportunity to join my family in the grand room nearby where there was a large celebration of some sort. I sought out my mom who was sitting on an armchair and as if I was still a little child, sat with her, all snuggled up. She hugged me and my despair mostly disappeared. The worry still played in my mind since I wasn’t sure who the father was. All I did know was that I’d have to raise the child on my own, though I pondered the obligation to tell them whenever or if I found out who it was.

I walked over to join the party and when I reached the drink folding table I looked underneath to see Liana sitting there staring up at me expectantly. I lit up and started petting my girl. Soon thereafter, someone called me over to one of the eating tables to greet the other guests. I obeyed and saw my aunt wearing an ao dai. I realized then that all the relatives were much younger than they are for real. My mom said that she tried to wake my aunt up but she had been sleeping so soundly. Everyone laughed and I looked around the room to see that it was not only filled with family, but dogs. Everywhere. Dog beds all over the ground and dogs lying down, sitting, and standing. In the middle of the room was a spotted big greyhound with a wire basket on its back. It walked over to me and I saw that it was carrying drinks in the basket. Though obedient, it didn’t seem to enjoy the work. I felt bad for it and went to remove the harness holding the basket in place. That’s when I jolted to attention, searching for Gable and Liana. My girl was at the far edge of the room lying near someone and I had to search harder to see Gable also there on the other side of the person (and busy not looking at me). I was satisfied, knowing they were there. Then my mom’s aunt BD10 started making a commotiom where she was trying to walk a blue furred dog through the crowd. It hesitated with all the other dogs, so she got impatient and shoved it in between 2 other dogs. It made a beeline for me and BD10 followed at the end of the leash, complaining about how it would go through the crowd. I told her that greyhounds are like that: they’re polite. The whole time, I was petting the dog and realizing that it was probably a lurcher. It’s body shape was right, but its fur was very rough and tough.

Now I’m at a busy shopping center. Before going home, I stop by the Little Caesar’s standalone in the mall. I’d just ordered a thing of stuffed Crazybread and see it freshly made in the back. I stand there excitedly waiting for a worker to put it in the dispenser so that I can pay at the self checkout. An enthusiastic lady does and I put it in a plastic bag. I had just selected my credit card to place in the terminal when this woman crowds into me, reaches in front and scans her piece of paper. It starts a transaction and I am simultaneously appalled and furious at her rudeness. Thats when her son and husband squeeze in behind me and I am now livid. I can feel the husband’s hand resting secretly on my lower back and so I yell, “GET YOUR HAND OFF OF ME!!” This attracts the enthusiastic worker from before who sees what is happening and looks at me with pity. They continue to pretend I don’t exist and demand the attendant fix their problem. I’m about to punch someone when they finish and leave, knocking the bag in my hand out and spilling half of my crazy bread on the floor. I start fuming and ranting and the attendant adds that they are cheap, too, given what they had been trying to do there. I’m on the verge of tears, actually, but I pay for my food. That’s when I realize that the freak left her pocketbook behind. I think about stealing it and running up the cards but nix that idea quickly because I could NEVER stoop to their level. That’s when I notice that my phone is not in my back pocket. For a second I think that maybe he had his hand there so her could steal my phone, but then I find myself holding it. Rushing from the area, I make my way to my car and pass the fools going back to pick up her wallet. I see my car and am happy that the only other car in the vicinity is a red Nissan sedan. See, it pays to park far away. Then, lo and behold, who speeds into that car, but dumbass and her kid. I stop and stare daggers at them.

Then I wake up.

Work, fat guy*

Yet another obnoxious work dream. I was going through my workload and it was getting late and dark. Not surprisingly, I was eager to get home. Finally, I was able to pull my doctor away from her patient for an exam. She is, as usual, stressed out about her own tardiness and both of us are irritated at each other. She races over to my room, complaining and we both notice at the same time that someone had taken a bunch of the barriers and thrown them all over the floor. She complains about that, and I defend myself because it is certainly NOT my doing, but I know exactly who has done it. The perfectly good barriers are scattered all over the floor with writing on each one in a Sharpie. My anger from everything spills forth and my boss suddenly isn’t angry anymore when she realizes who has done it and what I’m about to do. Unfortunately for her, there’s no stopping this bus right now. Idiot comes out from the breakroom, sees me on the warpath and pretends to go back to her operatory. I call her angrily over and start berating her. I can feel my doctor (who doesn’t actually want confrontation and drama in her office) standing there, debating whether or not to step in. My other coworker is standing there, amusedly watching all of this unfold. Vaguely, I’m aware that my own patient is sitting in my room and can hear everything. She’s wasted perfectly good protective equipment that not only costs money, but is hard to come about in this time and it’s not like we can just toss it back in the box and use it on other patients because that’s disgusting and unethical. What the HELL is she thinking?! She just stands there with that deer in the headlights look, terrified of confrontation, and then says, “I’ve been living here for 5 years and I don’t have a single friend. That’s why.” I am astounded. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with the situation at hand, but I can feel everyone else’s pity seeping in around the corners of the office.

Some stuff with reconstruction, a flight of stairs, a school campus, nighttime, many large steps descending from the library of the school, and an announcer with a deep voice who’s been announcing for at least 50 years.

* Then I’m watching fat people placed in an enclosed bomb shelter deep underground. It’s like a reality TV show. The next episode pops on and my mom has joined me to watch it. That’s the exact reason it starts getting ridiculously awkward. The fat guy starts rubbing himself through his black and red shorts. He’s really tall, but it’s hard to tell because he’s so obese. There’s a clear bulge in his shorts now and I’m like, GAH, how can I make my mom go away this is weird. He starts moaning and tilting his head back in pleasure. The pounds start melting away and suddenly he’s no longer obese, but a skinny, tall guy with dark brown hair and glasses. He’s also lost his shorts by now and is just hand stimulating now. Time is going very slowly for me and then the camera shows something crazy: he has TWO erect penises. The huge main one that he is stroking, but there’s a much smaller, but very much functional one about 2 or 3 inches inferior to the prime. I am blown away. Of course, then it only gets more awkward because suddenly there is a mouth sucking away. Turns out it’s his wife/girlfriend/fiancee. *

I end up waking up with so sudden a jolt that my dog jolts awake too.