Dorm, driving, babies, hospital, grown up reunion, work, trans

2 days worth

I was in a dorm. With me were two other people, a male and a female. They were trying to help me find a room. We bypassed the 1st floor which was full and went to the 2nd floor where there were 2 available rooms. The male showed me his room which was crammmmmed full of stuff, like, nerdy stuff. His roommate wasn’t there at that point. Then it was the female’s turn. Her room was distinctly girl, but less cluttered. She never had a roommate, so she was using the extra bed as storage. We traversed the halls looking for the vacant rooms. One was not really vacant, and the other…I just didn’t want, so we went up to the 3rd floor. That floor was the high end floor…with the smart peoples and…richer ones? More elite, anyways. Interestingly, because it was the elite floor, the stairs led to a very large common area lined with musical instruments, a bar, and other amenities. It was super nice. I never did look at the rooms themselves (there were at least 15 available, meaning I’d get my own room), and so we left because the two I was with were feeling a little uncomfortable.

Then some stuff about a bad guy

It was nighttime and I was driving a car I don’t recognize. I suddenly slammed on the brakes because I saw movement on the pavement in front of me. It looked like some animals running across the street! Other cars didn’t see them and I watched in helpless horror as they ran to and fro trying to escape. Some other cars were stopped but others just raced at high rates of speeds. I kept screaming. Eventually, I got myself together enough to put on the hazards and hop out. They weren’t animals at all, but human infants! Quickly, I snatched them up, 4 in total plus the toys they were clutching, replaying the horrifying fear I felt but shocked and amazed that no harm befell them. There had been a clear silhouette of an animal that they were following, and I found to my dismay, the bloody remains of a dead squirrel on the other side of the median. I firmly believed that the squirrel had been trying to lead the babies out of harm’s way and died in the process. As I scooped up all the infants, I gave the sign of the cross to the squirrel for its saintly sacrifice. Then I turned around to my car and handed my brother who was sitting in the backseat the kids.

Later, I was at the hospital and walked up to ask them about the kids. Stuff happened and then I was at a party of sorts where the big surprise was that the babies, all grown up now, were going to make an appearance. I was just so so happy to see that they had grown up to be such healthy, happy young adults.

Then I was at work. We were all talking about Christmas stuff and digging through treats while dealing with patients. There was one patient that we were gossiping about. I just so happened to be working with them. Afterwards, my coworker Q was in a room waiting for an exam or something, so I ran eagerly up to her to let her know that our suspicions were correct and that the patient we had been gossiping about was, without a doubt in my mind, a trans man. My conviction? Solely based on the fact that he smelled good and that natural males usually have a male scent about them. Apparently the trans patient smelled a bit sweet. Then more eating of Christmas desserts.

Driving, Work

There was some stuff about driving around town, but town was a series of windy roads that were actually vertical? It was extremely confusing, and I kept getting lost in the twists and turns only to end up opposite of where I was trying to go. Eventually, I got to my destination which started out in a small town/city where it was Christmas. I was walking by some houses and through the windows could see what everyone was doing. One house in particular had about 20 people sitting around in Santa hats singing carols together. Other homes were simpler.

Then I was in a camp? Like a summer camp kind of place where I was at odds with the director of the program. I was hanging out in the office doorway probably in trouble again and plotting my escape from the place. I did manage to leave and turned around to see that I had somehow become the director, myself. There was a large event, and I was needed to run it. Like right then and there. Completely unprepared and overwhelmed, I tried my best despite the rain.

Then I was at work. At first it was just me wandering around the unfamiliar office. The place was a square, with the operatories ringing the middle where the waiting room/labs sat. It all seemed really cozy and spacious. My boss and I were worried about our next patients. He was seeing one of the two partners, but his was a patient I had seen the time before and, man, she had been a doozy. Unfortunately for me, I was tasked with seeing her partner who seemed to be a…challenge to say the least. Time came and I brought my patient back. She was extremely nervous. I talked to her like any new patient, getting her history, going over medical stuff, sizing her up, etc. I was getting agitated because she seemed excessively fearful and obnoxious. I stepped away for a bit to get some air and clear my head before coming back. I ended up walking by my boss who was seeing the other patient. She waved happily at me, and I caught a little bit of what they were talking about. I mentioned to my doc that if he wanted to know more about Ursala that he should just check my notes from before because I had it all written down and through there. He gave me a weird look and waved me off, which left me needing to head back to my patient. At that point I only had about 35 minutes left to do anything. I returned to her and let her know that we’d go ahead and get started. I turned to put on my gloves and by the time I turned back around, I saw, to my horror, that there was line of yellow liquid trailing from where she’d been standing at the window onto the couch where she perched like a bird. She shrieked that the liquid had been there already, but I knew better and could actually see from how she was squatting that the underside of her pants were wet. No doubt she was still peeing. I picked up a bath towel, folded it, and gently asked her to sit on it while I did the examination. She screamed that I was being incredibly demeaning to her, so, no, she wouldn’t sit down. Instead, she got up and started trying to sit on any place but where she’d soiled. I told her I needed her to get back on the couch because that was the only chair in the room where she could recline so that I could work properly. While rambling, she walked out of the room and eventually made her way to my original operatory which I had been saving for the next patient because I knew I’d be going over the time with her. OKAY then, I guess the operatory chairs are a ton easier to clean off. She plopped herself down on it eventhough it was set really high up, so I just went with it. I adjusted the seat, went to get my mask, my clinic jacket, and by the time I returned, another clinician was there seeing her. I think it might have been another doctor–a tall female with straight brown hair I didn’t recognize, but the office was large enough for several doctors. The annoying lady was quiet and acquiescing, so I didn’t sweat it and turned away to go do something else. Let someone else break their hands. That’s the type of patient I don’t want liking me, anyways.

Driving, Waiting, Work, Yammer, Bosses, Stairs, 90s, Slow

I was driving on the highway and then got off to my destination. It was a parking lot, and the cars were supposed to line up. I’d been there before, because it was the visitor center rest stop on the way to the beach. I went to go line up, but there were some construction workers standing around and I’d gone in the wrong entrance anyways. Since I was early, the parking lot was empty, so I went and did some elaborate methods to turn myself around in order to park my car in the line area. It was nonsensical and unnecessary, and, lo, when I finally made it to the line area, there were already 4 other cars there because I was taking so long.

Inside, I sat on a chair in a small antechamber with about 5 other people. The group before us had gone in already. I recognized the people around me despite never meeting in person before. There was a pleasant familiarity in the room, although no one was talking, because I recognized these people as the same people that are always driving when I go to the beach. Even though I was very late this year, there they were! Not everyone, but some of them. As we waited, we could hear the brat before us screaming and yelling inside of the room. We were all on our phones.

Then I was working. It was super bright (for once) and time for me to go home. I had just finished seeing a patient and was in the middle of cleaning up the room. While doing that, my boss had come ask me about my trip and I yammered on and on and on and on about how cool it was that even though I went so late in the year that the same people were taking the same trip! Then I started calling out some names of (actual) patients and my boss was surprised. Then my other boss came up and the two of them started making out right in front of me. I realized, then, how young they both looked. He looked the same, but younger, and she looked young, long hair in pigtails, braces, a devious energy. It was like, full-on making out, tongue action and all, and there was me with front seat view. It was like, inches in front of me while I’m still yammering. I exclaimed at them, “Good gracious, you two! Get a room!” They laughed, continued, and I wandered off to put my tray away. The plan was the leave for home, when I realized that I never cleaned up my main operatory. I fought through the other hygienists who were standing around waiting for the next shift to start. Finished, I left down the stairs.

And ended up in a convention center type of place. The events were closing, so I went to leave like the rest of the people there. Apparently, I’d had a good time, though. As I walked in the crowd, the going-down stairs were so crowded, so I went upstairs instead. That was crowded, too, with slow people, so I followed behind this super obese guy wearing a red shirt. Interestingly, he was moving quite fast for someone so large, but still not fast enough for me. As I walked behind him, I found that he was this weird quirk about taking extra little steps on each stair–almost like he was a chihuahua or something. It was bizarre. I didn’t know if he was trying to be cute or if that’s just how he was. Either way, I was really annoyed at all the slow stairs people.

Finally, I was able to go around him, and I ended up walking by a small group of people centered around a minor stage. I continued on down a much less crowded hall (most people were gone by this point),and recognized several people from my elementary school years. That’s when I realized what I was wearing: some basketball shorts that were super popular in the 90s. As it turned out, I was at a 90s convention! A few people were hanging around talking, so I exclaimed at everyone in the area to look at my clothes! The popular basketball shorts, with a grey tank, and basketball high tops. Then I yelled that back then everyone pulled their socks way up (maybe it was just me back then…), and proceeded to pull my socks as high as I could get them. Instead of being impressed, the people around me gave either weird or pitying looks and went back to whatever they were doing. Happily, I descended some now-empty stairs, and went for the one staircase that would get me out of there.

Much to my chagrin, it was full of people–people carrying large, bulky items. Even slower than before.

People in house, females, Gameboy charger

I was walking the dog in the early morning, so it was still pretty dark. On the way home, I run into 3 people and their small dog, but I don’t want to socialize as it’s a weekday. I make my way into the house, and proceed upstairs to change back into my sleep clothes because I’m still very tired and have a few minutes left to sleep. I hear noise downstairs and my dog is alert too. I follow her down the stairs in the dark and lo and behold the 3 people and the 1 dog from before were in my house. How they got in, I don’t know, but they hadn’t noticed my presence yet, and were busy making themselves at home and even having the gall to complain that the homeowner hadn’t been very welcoming at all. That made me really mad and I started yelling at the top of my lungs, threateningly. I told them to leave, RIGHT NOW, pointing that the door, but they just stood there like, why? Since no one seemed to want to move I started pushing them while ranting that not only are they in MY house wearing NO masks, but I needed to get ready to go to work and had NO time to entertain fools and that if they wouldn’t leave right away that I was going to call the cops. That last part seemed to light a fire under their butts. They begrudgingly went to leave and I shoved everyone out, and their little dog, too!. That’s when I started taking note of who they were: people I was completely unfamiliar with, 2 women, one heavyset, the other average, and one male with a small clergy collar neck band. It wasn’t even incorporated into the shirt itself, just an elastic band. Everyone was in their 50s or so. UNBELIEVABLE!

Then I was in the house I grew up in. I was looking for an old Gameboy Advance SP charger because I was excited to replay an old game while I was on Holiday vacation at the house and I knew that there must be a charger there somewhere. I made my way into the downstairs TV room where the futon was in chair mode. Sitting in there were 2 females. The whole house was full of guests that I didn’t recognize, and these were no exception. They started asking me questions since I’d been to the house before and I answered while hanging over the side of the futon looking at the surge protector. There was an erotic tension in the air. I found the gray cord I was looking for and was following it to the other side of the futon. To get to it I had to crawl over all of the young females who had appeared on the futon. No one had any problem with me doing that and since everyone seemed to be furtively feeling each other up, my crawling seemed to heat things up more. I returned a coy smile to one female in particular and felt a trail up her leg to her chest. The fabric barely covered anything and I gave her boob a squeeze, but damn it I really wanted to plug my Gameboy in before I lost my progress, so I hung over the edge and reached into the dusty depths to find the end of the charger.

Then there was some stuff with a few guys while we were outside on a mission in a city, until Cora woke me up to go to walkies.