Work/school, shopping, finger/time travel/assassin, hot springs, bamboo

This is why naps are dangerous for me. They result in strange dreams that are oddly real.

I was traveling down an old road from my childhood, Buford road. I knew that going down far enough would take you to a church which has a preschool my mom used to work at. So we’re driving and then all of the sudden I crash the car and roll out (Ghost Recon style). I’m trying to stay low to avoid detection, but it’s hard because we’re high up on the slope and they’re down with no vegetation in the way, so we’re sitting ducks. I make my way down and I realize that it’s not a church and a preschool at all, it’s a spa. The spa building is to the right and the rest of the place is one huge hot spring type of place, surrounded by bamboo. I don’t think they’re open yet, but after some recon, I decide they’re not the enemy at all. The lady there is very friendly and invite me and the guys to bask in the relaxation of the water. They do, eagerly, leaving me to watch the lady work. She’s not old but not young. Relatively attractive, but I don’t really care about that. She wanders off to do something else, and I sit there in the peace of the place, taking it all in. The “hot spring” is interesting. I’m in the open side of it, closer to the road. There are trees dividing it from other properties, but it’s open air. It’s rather cool, but the sun is warm on my skin. I watch the birds and bunnies frolic and as it starts to get chillier, I think about joining my guys in the interior portion. Before I go, I watch the bunnies, which are apparently cold too, jump into a shallow hot spring pool and chillax in it. I dip my hand in and it’s very comfortable, so I follow the little stream/creek into the trees and come upon the pool. It’s very natural. The water comes up to my neck and in the non-hot spots it’s cold and rapidly churning like, well, rapids. A guy is in one of the hot pools, so I make my way over to sit in it too.

Now I’m in the spa building. The lady  is doing some bamboo work with cutting them and shaping them. I offer to help because I used to play with bamboo when I was young too, and have never been able to work with such large green poles before. She says no, so I just watch. Suddenly something happens and we’re being infiltrated. My guys are not with me. I retreat to a safer point to watch for the enemy. Stuff happens and now we need to escape. The lady gets sucked into some dimension. I prepare to follow. It’s like a limbo dimension. Not very large, but I see 4 cells. One of them is broken and I see her. Her name is Hina, or Rina or Rita. I call for her and find her in a small cell that looks more like a storage room with another guy. He’s been stuck there for much longer than her. She’s sitting on a stool, unsure of what to do and he’s raving and ranting at the cell door. I ignore him and reach my hand in to try and help her. She doesn’t move. I yell her name again because time is running out. She gets up to come towards me and then a blast dents the door. Now we can’t open it even if we try. The place is collapsing and I get stuck under some debris. Rina tells me to stick out my finger. I do with my free hand, though I cant feel it. She tells me to focus on that finger! Focus! I do with all my might and begin to feel it. I look up at her face and then now I’m back in the spa. Without her. Assassin stuff happens after that.

My mom is shopping. I’m bringing her. There are two stores together, Walmart and another store whose name I forget now. We walk into the other store and I say to my mom, “I thought you wanted to go to Walmart?” She said she still does, but she wants to look here first. I look around and we need to sign up for a member card to get the prices in this grocery store. I don’t know if she wants to buy anything here, so I don’t get one right away, but as it turns out, she does. She finds a big pack of toilet paper on sale for only $3.99 with card! I can’t deny it’s a good deal, so while she happily looks for other deals, I decide to go sign up for a card. Of course, when I want to get one, the line is crazy long, but it’s moving fast and finally it’s my turn. I go to the side where there is a table set up and see my name on one of the documents. I ask the lady if this is the paper to sign up and she said, it’s for the credit card. I ask for the member one, and she hands me a book. On the table is a large keyboard. She says, as I flip through the book to look for an empty sheet, the keyboard is a neato way to enter your information. The keys are like a keyboard. I tell her the book is full, so she gives me a new one and turns to help someone else. I’m totally into this neato way of entering information, so I read the instructions which is to hold the edge of the book up to the keyboard. It beeps to signal success and I put the book up on the stand and start hitting keys. Unfortunately it’s really hard to do. The keys are so soft that it keeps entering numbers in multiple times. After some error, I decide to just put it in by hand with pen. Saddening.

Now I’m at work. But I’m at my computer writing a paper. However, I’m goofing off instead of doing what I’m supposed to do. On my phone, browsing sites, watchign videos of people jumping from cars onto their apartment balcony from traffic, chatting online. I’d already written a paper. The teacher, my boss, is saying stuff and I don’t hear a lick of it. It’s quiet as we’re supposed to be doing our work. I’m lounging because I’m over-confident in my abilities, then I decide, as the time ticks down, I need to focus. It’s 4:19 when I find a book I’ve wanted to read (called the Jade–something). I’m excited to read the rest of the book and not just the part necessary for the paper, when I realize that I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I whisper to my coworker/fellow student and ask what we’re supposed to be doing and she is irritated because she’s seen what I’d been doing. She tries to tell me, but the teacher yells out that there’s very little time left, only 30 minutes on the clock. Coworker hisses for me to look on the syllabus and I do. OMG. I am NOT prepared! I’ve been working on the WRONG assignment! I immediately regret all of my shenanigans and scramble to do it. I can still do it. I’m an ace student. I’m sweating, though. I hadn’t even read the text yet. Anxiety climbs, regret laughs, and–

–I wake up. Because it’s TWO HOURS after when I usually get up. I hate naps. I was up since 6am before these dreams. Good thing it’s a holiday today.