Cora Twin, Dad, neighborhood, car, spider, guns, video game, house

I was situated in a house in a mountain range, near where two mountains converged. There was a path right outside the property that was basically a dead man’s squeeze for anyone trying to invade. I was stationed on the outside balcony with some others. We had our weapons at the ready, armor on. The sky was kind of brownish and threatening. The air was tense, but we were trying to joke and make things a little lighter. My comrades started firing off the fortified railing and I turned my attention to the dog we’d saved from the mountain pass next to me. I was worried because Cora didn’t look well. She had thrown up and was peeing on herself, her eyes closed. I picked her up and brought her inside, worried. There, she seemed better, and I busied myself cleaning her up. That’s when I looked up and saw the real Cora come up to see what I was doing. Oh. What? The dog I was working on wasn’t my dog at all!? There was no time to worry about it, though, because I was needed outside. The zombie army was moving in, and all hands were needed on deck. My comrades fired their weapons, and I raised mine to shoot, but the scope reticule wouldn’t indicate a positive lock. Why? Because I was using a pistol while everyone was using longer barrel weapons. Dang it all. I had to watch helplessly as others worked. I guess I was there to pick off when they managed to make it closer to us. In that, I had a more stressful and important role, even.

Then the fighting was over, or at least for the moment. We were all inside the house and food was being cooked. I was super exhausted and dirty from all the fighting, but happy to be home with the people I cared about. Someone told me that the cook was outside making the food and I went out to say hi. I was in shock when I saw him. It was my “dad.” No, I didn’t recognize him for real, but the dream me knew it was my “dad” whom I hadn’t seen in a while. He was short, stocky, with close cropped hair, and either Filipino or Latino. I ran up to him, gave him a big hug and begged him not to leave us again (hmm…kind of like the dream from the other day?), that we missed him terribly and I was so glad to see him. He smiled warmly and let me hug him, both hands tied up with food and cooking utensils.

Then some stuff about driving, except that I was tasked with carrying the royal child of the other dimension’s spider Queen. The secret service needed to know where the child was, and I had lost track of it. I did remember seeing an older Subaru Legacy sedan, blue, driving off with it, so I hopped into my car and followed. I caught up to the woman and followed her through rough terrain. I wasn’t intending on harming her, I just wanted to be sure she didn’t mean the child any harm lest the wrath of the spider people fall upon this dimension. It didn’t feel like she intended harm, at least.

I drove until I was driving through my old neighborhood. Everything looked really different. Kids were going to school as it was morning, and I saw that one woman was picking up kids from some houses and ferrying them like a bus. Other kids wearing different uniforms were walking up the hill. I parked in front of my old house and made my way down the driveway with Cora on a leash. We passed 3 older kids coming from the house and making their way to a bus stop. No one paid us any attention. I walked up to the front door which seemed to be more like a garage door and waited. The owner of the house was there directing the kids and I noticed that there were a LOT of kids. Finally, he turned to me and asked what I wanted. I told him that I used to live in this house and was simply curious about what had happened to it since we’d moved away. He nodded, and invited me in. I felt kind of weird having Cora with me, but it didn’t last long because she turned into my brother. We made our way through the place, once again noting the sheer number of children there of varying ages and races. It was not my business, though, so I was busy taking in how different everything in the house was. The man had spent a lot of time and money changing the house into the twisty, convoluted mansion that it was. He led us all about, inviting us to explore. The house vaguely held onto its original form, and I found it hard to place where I was in the building, it seemed so much larger. The man explained that he had lowered the entrance of the house. I had noticed that which meant that he had to have incorporated the crawlspace underneath into the house. Things were kind of tilted and weird. I kept going and saw a rickety staircase heading to a rough, wooden door. I was excited because it was most likely where the crawlspace’s door originally was. I kept asking the man if that’s what it was. He told me that he’d meant to fix up that area there, but hadn’t had time yet, and kept pressing me to go down and see. To be honest, I didn’t really want to because it seemed so rickety, but I did. About 3 to 4 steps down, I fell through one of the planks. I twisted myself around to face up, calling for help from the man or my brother. I saw the man try to close the door, but my brother showed up. No one was helping me (I guess they were exchanging some words?), so I managed to pull myself up. The man seemed disappointed, but we continued our tour. I’m not sure how the house kept dipping down, but it did and that’s where all the kids’ rooms were. As large as the building was, the kids were all crammed together into the tight spaces.

We found an old TV which was playing Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, and immediately picked up the controllers to play. It was fun for the few minutes.

Then we made our way back up to the main floor and then I asked about the upper floors which we hadn’t seen yet. The man seemed eager to show us up there, so up we went. It was…quite different from the rest of the house. The upper floors were very sophisticated in structure and adornment. Marble floors, beautiful paint, fancy trim, and no mess at all. A wall of windows looked out and the man was saying something about the balcony. We made it to a double doorway with a very nice, steep staircase. With a big smile, the man gestured for us to go up them. He warmly informed us that his wife had painstakingly designed and renovated what was up those stairs. I was getting a strange feeling, so I decided not to go up and thanked him for the tour and told him that we’d be leaving. His smile immediately disappeared, and he brusquely stalked away. My brother and I hastened to make it out, but I didn’t want to go back downstairs, so we wandered about, looking for another exit. We managed to get all the way up to the highest floor where massive skylights and windows brightened the flat, empty area. We walked along it, my attention completely caught by the large elevator in the middle. It appeared to be smack in the center of the house with ramps leading from it. I assumed there was a helipad atop the house for building supplies. No wonder they could build so easily. I felt eyes upon me and turned around. There, at the far end of the flat, empty area sat a throne and woman who could only be the man’s wife. She was staring smugly at us, a malicious smile spreading. I hurried my brother out the service exit where there was a helipad. We somehow made it down to the ground and I found that I’d lost my shoes somehow. It was cold, the ground was muddy from the snow that had fallen, but it didn’t matter because we’d made it outside and away. The property no longer looked like the house I grew up in at all, the building more a facility than a house. We fell into line with a nearby group and escaped.

NCIS, Ship, Guns, Battle

I was attending a function with people who looked familiar. There was a big hulabaloo and I realized that the people were the people from NCIS. They were changing actors/appointments to much applause and recognition. The place was set up like a gala with white cloth tables everywhere, but we were all reminded of the military atmosphere by all of the screens on the wall. I was sitting around enjoying the spectacle and not exactly sure what was going on, when the servers all rushed out with large platters of lobster and such. I immediately jumped up and left, stopping by the official table before leaving the banquet. The man asked me what I was up to, and I advised him of my severe shellfish allergy. He let me go.

As I made my way to my quarters, I felt the ship launch. A little bit of panic filled me because Cora (who was inside my room) really needed to use the bathroom before I went to sleep. I led her out of the room, my mind racing with where in the ship I was supposed to let her pee. The thoughts went from maybe I can somehow train her to pee in the shower, to maybe if I let her pee on the bad quality concrete I can just clean it up? Nothing seemed right and I stepped outside the utility room to find a massive grassy area. It was mind-blowing to see exactly how large the ship was that it could accommodate such a field of grass and dirt! No matter, I let Cora do her thing.

After returning her to my quarters, I went out to explore the ship I would be on for the next however long it would be. My first stop was that utility room I had been in. There was a gun…stand? Storage? in the corner, and I was instructed by a friendly attendant to take the bigger gun. It unlocked for me, and I took the available pieces with me outside to the grassy place where I put it together. A little while later, I returned to the room to return it, and while I was busy trying to figure out how to replace the gun and pieces, a bunch of young people showed up. It seemed that the gala was over, and these would be my shipmates. They seemed much more knowledgeable than me, so when they saw me struggling, they came over to help. They were a blond female, a brown-haired male, and a black guy. We got to talking and it was evident pretty quickly how little I knew and how new I was to the entire operation.

They invited me to an airsoft game with them. I was all game, wanting to learn more about my shipmates and more about guns. We walked out through the grassy place and into a small concrete building. The clear leader, the female, pointed me to some armor on the ground and they all laughed to themselves as I inspected the armor and padding to find that some other poor sap had been subject to the same thing they were trying to subject me to. But I wasn’t afraid and didn’t want to show any weakness aside from my lack of experience. Clearly this was a test. I picked up the padding and the armor, a little concerned at how the airsoft pellets had punched straight through them and put them on. Then as we moved to the battle area, a CO happened to come by. My shipmates seemed annoyed, but the man didn’t stop us, just gave me some better armor to use. There was another team there ready for action, and we sat around a bit…waiting? Talking? I watched as the others loaded up their guns. Then I disclosed to them all that the reason that I didn’t know what I was doing was that I was a commissioned officer and hadn’t needed to go through boot camp by some fluke of the system. They had more empathy for me after that (or maybe fear because I was higher ranked?). I told the female (we were having this trope where she was attracted to me, but didn’t want to show it, so she acted tough to test me in front of her little posse) that I only knew Glocks and wasn’t familiar with the other guns. I pulled out a mag and filled it up with the ammo on the table (it was like dippin dots meets cement). Then I slammed it into place and pulled the slide. It was go time! The deal was that I would join the other side per our original agreement, so I did, to gasps from our side. Even the 3 that had challenged me were surprised that I had the guts to do that.

I guess the battle happened.

Then we were racing away from the location for some reason, all escaping in our vehicles in different directions trying to outrun some mutual enemy. I was seeing all of this from a top-down map view and was further amazed that the ship was so large that it could have a marsh, a flat land, a gulley, all ringed by trees.

Night, Group, Traffic, Car, Video Game, Explosives

Some random stuff I don’t remember in detail. Something about a car that had hidden spaces in it, even one where a gun holder was built into the car. Turns out that the compartments were in the back seat where you’d have to pull the tab to open them. It was quite roomy in those things, enough to hang raincoats or whatever you’d like.

I was in line, in traffic. It was cars, then it was humans just sitting in a long line of traffic. I decided to cheat and walked up the side median pretending I wanted to ask an authority figure something. People were giving me nasty looks, but I just kept walking. At the front of the line, I found that people were literally just standing around and that’s what was causing the jam. WTF.

Then I was attending a church? charity? group event. It was nighttime and I’d either bought or was giving away things from the house. The group was having an auction or some fundraiser that utilized people’s donations. I had a cart with my items in it. When I went to put them in the pile, I found that the event was slightly different this time…more a contest? Anyways, I became self-conscious about what I was donating. I put a few out there and then the group of judges started going through the things. I wanted to add one more piece, so I made my way through their lounge and walked into the room to find them laughing as they went through people’s offerings. They were surprised to see me, caught in their stupidness. I set down my last item and left. I wasn’t planning on sitting around for the rest of the charade, so I made my way to the elevator and took it down. Then I went to another elevator.

I was doing something, and had some time, so I decided to turn on my Switch. I noticed that it had finished downloading my new Monster Hunter game, so I chose it even though I knew I wouldn’t have a lot of time to play it. Just wanted to give it a try. As it started up, the initial cutscene threw me in right away, and all of the sudden I was living it. I was in a facility, on some metal walkways and ramps making my way quickly up a cavernous tower to what would be the boss fight. I was with another person, but I didn’t know who it was. Reaching the top, the villain was going on and on about stuff and then we loaded into different mechas. A fight started and things blew up and soon, I was flying away from the collapsing place while fending off and helping fellow mecha/monsters.

Then I was on the ground piloting a large tank-like vehicle. The game kept telling me to hit the green button to help the allies, but to hit the red button to attack the enemies. I was having a hard time distinguishing between good and bad and kept running over the military groups. Finally, I got the hang of it and the game progressed while the beginning credits ran on the screen.

On the ground and in person now, it was dark out. I hopped out and entered a building. There were several men there and I noticed a bunch of items on the ground. One of the men gave me the order to set up explosives all around the perimeter. The impending inferno would draw the attention of the enemy and we would escalate the conflict. I went around collecting the bottles and set them on all the windowsills. When every sill had an “explosive” the man ordered everyone out and BOOM. Explosion. Soldiers from both sides (like, across the street, even) started mobilizing.

Cheeseburger, driving, gun, chase, time rewind

I was at a school. College. It was busy, but I didn’t drive through the main driveway like everyone else because I wasn’t a student. I was either security, police, or some other law enforcement agent. My partner and I drove around on the grassy hills looking for something or someone. Over at an outlying building away from the main campus we saw a shady individual trying to get in. We hopped out and rushed over, making entry. Turns out it was an important office building to the school and busy with workers. My partner and I looked around for the shady guy. No one else seemed to have noticed anything strange, but we quietly approached a door. I was carrying a cheeseburger as I was half opening by the time we had seen the guy. As we were looking to breach a door, I was opening my burger because dang it I wanted my whopper. My partner opened it up and we rushed in to see that it was a bathroom with no one in it. That’s when we heard the suspect ordering someone in the hallway around. He was armed. My partner and I froze in the bathroom, trying not to clue him into our presence. Unfortunately, I just really wanted my burger, so while I was trying to be quiet, the paper was crinkling loudly in my hands. The guy saw us and ran for it. Looks like surprise was not on our side anymore.

I shrugged and took 4 large bites out of the burger before throwing it away because duty called. What a waste! My partner and I ran out of the room and entered an elevator. Inside we talked to an informant (an ex-con we knew well) who directed us with more info. At that point I realized that I had lost my sidearm. I didn’t know if it had fallen outside or if I had thrown it away with my burger, but I no longer had a weapon. Instead of the long gun like my partner had grabbed from our vehicle, I had taken my cheeseburger. I told him I’d lost my Stinger somehow and so he handed me his whole holster. I took the pistol and stuck it into my pocket, ignoring the holster.

We ran around a lot, looking for this guy and informing security along the way. One more person joined us and as we stood around in an office planning with the informant, the gravity of the situation caused me to pick up my gun, turn off the safety and pull the slide. My teammates saw this, and that weight settled into everyone. They primed their weapons, too. It was go time and the stakes were high.

Some stuff happened, more running around.

Then time seemed to reverse itself and I was entering an office building. I saw the guy I was after and walked right up to his desk. He was laughing and smiling with the other coworkers AND he was a security guard for the school. I approached him, placed my hands on the desk and addressed him by his name. He kind of laughed, indicated that I had the right person, and I told him he needed to come with me. Surprise filled his eyes.

More stuff happened and then a whole team of my group’s agents were filing into a very large, crowded area that reminded me of an airport. The guy we’d been going after was there with us in the group. I assume he had spilled the beans and we were going after the big crime syndicate/terrorist. We sat down to await orders. Things were tense. Then that ex-suspect got everyone’s attention and started riling up the crowd. The civilians quit feeling so tense, emboldened by this man’s words of unity. I was still very skeptical of him, but he was indeed helping keep the people from panicking.

Then I woke up because Cora kept smacking my bed trying to get me up.

Building, sneaking, killing, escape, wholesale

I was at a facility/large fenced property that was familiar from a previous dream. I needed to get in, but was no allowed to be there. So, walking around with my group to the side that I already knew was the weakpoint, I was happy to see they had installed a brand new rope/pulley system for some flags or whatever. Perfect. One swift movement was all it took for the rope to unravel. They weren’t expecting me for one, because I’d already tried and failed in the past, but two, the distraction was what I needed to hop the one low part of the fence, ditch my group (which hopefully kept moving on like nothing special happened) and start climbing the building. To my chagrin, the doors and windows were not open this time around. They had learned from previous attempts. Looks like I had to get on the roof. By then investigation had been launched into finding out what happened to the rope system. I continued to hurry along to use the advantage the distraction offered me. There weren’t too many guards. Eventually, I made it inside and after a series of doors and looking at my handy on-screen map, managed to blend in with the building peoples. No one even gave me a second thought, so I made my way around, exploring and getting the layout in my head (or really, my screen). I found two small rooms which were clearly save rooms, and with much relief saved my progress. The mission now involved gaining access to the princess/female lead. I’m not sure what I needed to do with her, whether it be dispatch, interrogate, etc, but I needed to get up there and past the guards. That’s when I found out that she had a special mail carrier and since no one ever thought the building could be infiltrated, the guy went through a series of unprotected hallways. I saw his progress on the map, so I cut through a machine room, trying to be as normal as possible. No one stopped me. I followed softly behind him and WHAM, knockout. The idea was to change into his clothes, but there was something I hadn’t thought about: the hallways had zero hiding places for the body.

Now I was at a much more important facility. This one was built into rock butting up against water and on the edge of a busy city. I had used the darkness of night to stealthily move along the cliffs until I’d come upon the entrance I needed to use to get in. No kills for me, as to not draw any attention. There were only a handful of bored guards anyways. I was sitting on the small ledge, watching the patrol pattern. It was now dawn and getting much lighter. I was pondering which weapon to use for a quick, stealthy kill. Soon, I’d prepared myself, pulling out my carbon steel, black combat knife, a handsome looking thing with various tactical fingerholds and a wicked curve. I had a few minutes to take out this one female guard and dispose of the body. I was confident that it would be an easy and clean takedown with very little blood. Just as I moved to attack, a second female came out with her. This one was not a guard, but a higher up. Someone much more important. Ugh. Not only would be she be harder, but the alarm would be much more significant if she went missing or her body found. However, I didn’t have much time to think because the males were due to come back around in a few minutes and time was precious. I scrunched myself back against the wall on the small ledge, convinced they’d seen me crouched up there as they walked right below me, together. I could take out one, but not both at the same time. Time seemed to stand still, but eventually, the harder one moved to the end of the walkway and the other moved to the hallway. It was now or never, but I knew as soon as I threw the knife and launched myself at the guard, that I’d have to fight, my stealth shield blown. The throw was true, but to my dismay, the guard didn’t go down! Instead she yelled at the top of her lungs. I had no idea what was coming out of her mouth because I was trying to kill her! Time moved slowly again as I stabbed and stabbed her over and over, but she just did not die. Finally, I pulled out my sword and swung it hard at the neck. It cut halfway before getting stuck, so I had to pull it out and swing again. This time it cut all the way through (all in slow mo!). I whirled towards the harder girl, not wanting to have to use my sword in such a gruesome, messy manner, but with no other choice, I gave an almighty downswing. My blade cut true (once again in slo-mo) right through the top of her skull and through her face. I didn’t watch the rest of the sword’s path, because my attention was now on a man-monster rushing at me from within the caves. I dislodged my sword, absently heard the thump of her body and met my new attacker head on. He was easier and more predictably died. I’d unsheathed my thinner double blades for the monster and sheathed my bigger sword. I remember thinking that it was gross to put it back with all the blood on it. I stopped to listen. No other people seemed to be coming. I breathed a breath of relief and went to clean my swords in the water. I used the guard girl’s clothes to dry them off before resheathing everything and went to dispose of the bodies.

Then I was escaping. I’d rushed into the busy city out of the facility. The thugs in suits were hot on my trail. In one attempt to escape, I went to sit in a room of teenagers. The lights had been flickering in and out so no one paid too much attention to the kid sitting amongst the others. When I got up to go, a thug saw me through the glass windows. I had to run again. He started attacking me with projectile balls of thunder while running and I tried to talk him out of using such methods in the midst of the innocent people. He never said anything, just kept pursuing. Eventually, my unseen male partner and I ran through the crowd and ended up pushing our way into some doors they were looking to close. We were wearing military combat gear at that point and it was a military place. They let us in because they thought we were volunteering for an event they were having. We transformed. He was a bag of frozen garlic and I was a bag of frozen vegetables. I’d put myself on the top shelf and a bunch of older men were fighting each other for bags of vegetables to put in their contest soups. 2 each. From my vantage point, I saw the one old man who was looking for us. Since no one wanted me, I snuck around to the other side of the shelving unit away from the pursuer. I couldn’t believe we were now separated from each other, but I guess it was inevitable. I needed to find him. That’s when I found out that the bags of garlic were a commodity and they had all been fighting for the last bag. I could only hope that he’d gotten out. I ran around the wholesale store (running is awful in dreams) looking for him anywhere I could while trying hard to not get caught. I could not find him. I stumbled across my family who told me my aunt was looking for bags of soup vegetables. Then I went through large Asian doors to a competition they were having. I wasn’t caring of it, just looking for my partner, when suddenly I realized if I entered the fighting contest, he might either be in it or I could win him back. I stood with the other Asian warriors and realized it would be a much harder battle to win than I’d originally thought. I didn’t have my weapons and I definitely did not have armor like they did. But I had to! I had to win!

Then I jerked awake because I’d given myself a headache somehow and I was convinced it was super late. I had woken up 20 minutes early. Very exciting stuff.

Work, Military, Thailand, Co-workers, Store

I was in a store which was in a mall. I think it had something to do with my workplace as all the people were from my job. It was a cold, winter weekend day. The mall was closed at the time, but since I worked there, I walked the dark until I came upon the store. Going in, I wandered amongst the shelves, dodging the branches of a large citrus plant. Someone asked what I was doing and I complained that the plant had the biggest spines I’d ever seen and I was not going to get jabbed by it, so I was walking in a crouched position. Conversation turned to weekend plans and I started looking on my phone. I came across a very interesting video ad. I guess it was a targeted ad because it stuck me in there amongst the kids doing a fun-run involving water filled balloons. I decided I wanted to do it. It was going to be that Saturday, November 8 (my brain was off by a day) at 11:18am. It seemed sad that I’d be doing it by myself, as old as I was with the other 14 year olds, but the advertisement had no age limit and welcomed everyone. I told one of my coworkers about it and maybe that she’d like to bring her kids. The only problem with it was that the weekend was supposed to get very cold, like way below freezing cold and it was an event with water balloons?

Come the day of, I arrived and it was indeed cloudy and cold. I got on this kid’s ride which was a coaster that went pretty slowly up to a small hole which then swallowed us up and down a gentle sloping tube. I guess it was fun? Then the event was over and I ended up back at work. Pictures arrived of the me on the ride and I showed my coworker, laughing. That’s when work got a bit more serious.

I was now in a more proper work environment and now I can’t remember all the details, but it was absolutely insane. Dim lights again, but there was so much drama. It was like a battlefield. Literally. I stayed away from everything until I couldn’t. My male doctor and the others had left to deal with a significant threat which left me with the female doctor. She was freaking out losing it, unable to figure out why the phones were shrieking sirens. Until then I’d stayed away from everything, but with no one else to get in my way, I told her I’d take care of it. I inspected the phone and as it turned out, the cords weren’t plugged in properly. I reattached everything and the siren stopped. I could hear all of the others going off too, so I went to through each of the phone zones, being careful not to hurt myself on the rubble and wreckage, reattaching the cords to their proper places. Some of them were much harder than others, their cord attachment sites difficult to access places and all the cords were just a little different from each other. Eventually, I got the sirens to stop much to everyone and my relief. Job done, I went outside of the building to make my way back home. There were tanks and barricaded areas everywhere. It was hard with all of the checkpoints. Something about some cars, lights and possible criminals.

Now I was inside a safe building. I looked at the paper. It was full of numbers and schedules. I saw a video newspaper about a high ranking military man from Canada whose articles I’d read before and enjoyed. I laughed because the first 2 paragraphs likened his plane’s importance to that of the Imperial Starwing ship (or something like that). I had to read it twice to be sure of the correct name. While funny, it was spot on. In the world we lived in, being military was extremely important.

That’s when I ended up in Thailand–or a place like it. I, personally, was there for business of some sort. My coworker had tagged along when I’d jokingly asked her if she wanted to come. I’d not expected her to say yes because of her baby, but hey, whatever. I was affiliated with the military, though I didn’t wear fatigues. Unlike my coworker, I didn’t have much luggage since my role was not a tourist. I heard people around us talk when we were walking down the sunny road towards lodging and check-in, saying that you have to be walking behind soldiers in camoflage (they meant fatigues) in order to be safe there if you were not native to the country. It was a very dangerous time to be alive in the world. Halfway there, my coworker laments that she left her suitcase behind and it had all of her money in it. I told her to keep it down until we got to the room. Natives were walking around the crowded road and kept bumping into me. When we get there, checked in and official, they ask if we’d exchanged money yet. She complains again that she left thousands of dollars in her suitcase. I was busy counting my $1k cash making sure I’d not been pickpocketed, though the chance of that was slim as I’d kept all my valuable strapped under my clothes up against my body. All of the sudden she left to go get her stuff because no one wanted to escort her. At this point, I wasn’t with her either, but just watching her from a 3rd person view like on a TV screen. It was getting dark and I watch her walk the horribly dangerous road alone. It was like she didn’t understand that the world was at war and she was not safe without an escort. She gets to the car we left up the road with no real incident. I happen to look away from the screen for a moment to speak to someone. When I look back, I gasp in horror. 3 native thugs have shown up! One has gone through her suitcase and is holding in his hand wads of cash. The other two has picked her up (she’s very small) and placed her on the hood of the car. The biggest one has his hand shoved into her crotch and I’m freaking out because I know what they’re about to do. I was hoping that it was just a robbery, but they were going to rape her! I’m powerless to intervene. They rip her pants off and I’m praying that when they see she has just given birth, they’ll stop, but even when they hesitate seeing the large moose underwear she’s wearing, they keep going. Now I’m not looking at the screen anymore, but as a stander-by. Suddenly, a group of natives rush out and attack the thugs. The crowd beats them until they run away. I am so relieved and happy about this. It’s nice to see people standing up for others and for foreigners no less.


Work/school, shopping, finger/time travel/assassin, hot springs, bamboo

This is why naps are dangerous for me. They result in strange dreams that are oddly real.

I was traveling down an old road from my childhood, Buford road. I knew that going down far enough would take you to a church which has a preschool my mom used to work at. So we’re driving and then all of the sudden I crash the car and roll out (Ghost Recon style). I’m trying to stay low to avoid detection, but it’s hard because we’re high up on the slope and they’re down with no vegetation in the way, so we’re sitting ducks. I make my way down and I realize that it’s not a church and a preschool at all, it’s a spa. The spa building is to the right and the rest of the place is one huge hot spring type of place, surrounded by bamboo. I don’t think they’re open yet, but after some recon, I decide they’re not the enemy at all. The lady there is very friendly and invite me and the guys to bask in the relaxation of the water. They do, eagerly, leaving me to watch the lady work. She’s not old but not young. Relatively attractive, but I don’t really care about that. She wanders off to do something else, and I sit there in the peace of the place, taking it all in. The “hot spring” is interesting. I’m in the open side of it, closer to the road. There are trees dividing it from other properties, but it’s open air. It’s rather cool, but the sun is warm on my skin. I watch the birds and bunnies frolic and as it starts to get chillier, I think about joining my guys in the interior portion. Before I go, I watch the bunnies, which are apparently cold too, jump into a shallow hot spring pool and chillax in it. I dip my hand in and it’s very comfortable, so I follow the little stream/creek into the trees and come upon the pool. It’s very natural. The water comes up to my neck and in the non-hot spots it’s cold and rapidly churning like, well, rapids. A guy is in one of the hot pools, so I make my way over to sit in it too.

Now I’m in the spa building. The lady  is doing some bamboo work with cutting them and shaping them. I offer to help because I used to play with bamboo when I was young too, and have never been able to work with such large green poles before. She says no, so I just watch. Suddenly something happens and we’re being infiltrated. My guys are not with me. I retreat to a safer point to watch for the enemy. Stuff happens and now we need to escape. The lady gets sucked into some dimension. I prepare to follow. It’s like a limbo dimension. Not very large, but I see 4 cells. One of them is broken and I see her. Her name is Hina, or Rina or Rita. I call for her and find her in a small cell that looks more like a storage room with another guy. He’s been stuck there for much longer than her. She’s sitting on a stool, unsure of what to do and he’s raving and ranting at the cell door. I ignore him and reach my hand in to try and help her. She doesn’t move. I yell her name again because time is running out. She gets up to come towards me and then a blast dents the door. Now we can’t open it even if we try. The place is collapsing and I get stuck under some debris. Rina tells me to stick out my finger. I do with my free hand, though I cant feel it. She tells me to focus on that finger! Focus! I do with all my might and begin to feel it. I look up at her face and then now I’m back in the spa. Without her. Assassin stuff happens after that.

My mom is shopping. I’m bringing her. There are two stores together, Walmart and another store whose name I forget now. We walk into the other store and I say to my mom, “I thought you wanted to go to Walmart?” She said she still does, but she wants to look here first. I look around and we need to sign up for a member card to get the prices in this grocery store. I don’t know if she wants to buy anything here, so I don’t get one right away, but as it turns out, she does. She finds a big pack of toilet paper on sale for only $3.99 with card! I can’t deny it’s a good deal, so while she happily looks for other deals, I decide to go sign up for a card. Of course, when I want to get one, the line is crazy long, but it’s moving fast and finally it’s my turn. I go to the side where there is a table set up and see my name on one of the documents. I ask the lady if this is the paper to sign up and she said, it’s for the credit card. I ask for the member one, and she hands me a book. On the table is a large keyboard. She says, as I flip through the book to look for an empty sheet, the keyboard is a neato way to enter your information. The keys are like a keyboard. I tell her the book is full, so she gives me a new one and turns to help someone else. I’m totally into this neato way of entering information, so I read the instructions which is to hold the edge of the book up to the keyboard. It beeps to signal success and I put the book up on the stand and start hitting keys. Unfortunately it’s really hard to do. The keys are so soft that it keeps entering numbers in multiple times. After some error, I decide to just put it in by hand with pen. Saddening.

Now I’m at work. But I’m at my computer writing a paper. However, I’m goofing off instead of doing what I’m supposed to do. On my phone, browsing sites, watchign videos of people jumping from cars onto their apartment balcony from traffic, chatting online. I’d already written a paper. The teacher, my boss, is saying stuff and I don’t hear a lick of it. It’s quiet as we’re supposed to be doing our work. I’m lounging because I’m over-confident in my abilities, then I decide, as the time ticks down, I need to focus. It’s 4:19 when I find a book I’ve wanted to read (called the Jade–something). I’m excited to read the rest of the book and not just the part necessary for the paper, when I realize that I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I whisper to my coworker/fellow student and ask what we’re supposed to be doing and she is irritated because she’s seen what I’d been doing. She tries to tell me, but the teacher yells out that there’s very little time left, only 30 minutes on the clock. Coworker hisses for me to look on the syllabus and I do. OMG. I am NOT prepared! I’ve been working on the WRONG assignment! I immediately regret all of my shenanigans and scramble to do it. I can still do it. I’m an ace student. I’m sweating, though. I hadn’t even read the text yet. Anxiety climbs, regret laughs, and–

–I wake up. Because it’s TWO HOURS after when I usually get up. I hate naps. I was up since 6am before these dreams. Good thing it’s a holiday today.


Military, flying, shooting, school, girl

I’m watching/playing a military plane battle from 2 different camera helicopter views. The military planes are chasing a ship and they end up around an island, flying through rings of orange that lead them to their quarry that just sailed into the small opening of the island. They direct an ally ship chasing that one, as the enemy has multiple hostages now. Suddenly I’m on the ally ship, readying my rifle. We sail covertly into the narrow inlet. The enemy is standing on the moderate vessel, all on deck, surrounding their hostages who are kneeling with their hands on the back of their heads. The enemy units are preoccupied, talking to the helicopters above, so my comrades and I pick off the enemy as quickly and accurately as possible. I line up and fire a headshot, adrenaline coursing through me, immediately focusing on the next enemy and firing another headshot. The enemies fall like dominoes. I line up my last shot, working hard to distinguish enemy from hostage, while in the back of my mind worrying that the enemy was hiding amongst the hostages too, but she moves to put her hands up and rifle down. My teammates and I lower ours weapons cautiously, and stand while officials board and detain her, clearly the leader.

With the hostages safe and the enemy in custody, we return to base, dismissed. There’s a crowd of happy civilians at the base, and I happen to pass by and walk in with an old school friend of mine who was in the army and then army reserves. I’m wearing my fatigues still, and carrying my weapon. She talks to me, rather impressed, and I tell her that it was my first mission, ever, and my first kills ever. I explained I had 2 kills, both headshots, perfect kills and the successful mission. Her face falls at that, remembering something in her past, and tells me that the killing was always the worst part for her. I don’t feel anything at all, I guess still high on adrenaline or numb to the atrocity. We separate ways then, and I approach the weapon return window. The girl at the window is super nice and flirts with me a little before turning her attention to someone else. I make my way up to my quarters. It is stark in the military way and I change out of my fatigues, ready to pass out and take a nap.

I wake up a time later, still giddy with happiness and success. I’m still supposed to be sleeping, but I slowly descend the stairs. It is devoid of other academy students, I guess past curfew. I pass by the weapon depot where I turned in my gun earlier, only to see the attendant nuzzling, kissing and otherwise making out with another girl. They keep giggling and looking around like they were doing something against the rules.

Something else happens, but now I don’t remember.