Swimming, Apple Tree

I was watching way too much Craig of the Creek this weekend (marathon!) and so the characters have been invading my dreams

Lots of stuff

I was in a swimming pool and it was summer in the afternoon. There was some Marco Polo going on, but mostly it was kids from the TV show goofing around. Ty Pennington showed up and it all turned into a competition!

Something about mattresses.

Then I was on my deck which was larger than in real life. It was after work and the sky was cloudy yet not too bright. I was really excited that my apple tree was getting so large and only in its first year! As I walked around the tree examining it, I saw, to my dismay, that there were some large, tan looking growths on it! Not only that, what looked like brown apples were all on one side of the plant…that were NOT apples. I was flipping the heck out so hard! I couldn’t believe in the span of a few hours that some disease or insect that overcome it! The grill was in the way, so I tried to move it, but it fell over on its side, so I had to upright it before I could examine the tree closely. Turned out that I was too distraught to do so and ran inside to lament to whoever was inside. I kept trying to come up with the right keywords to do an online search to figure out the problem which almost seemed multi-layered!